eep after suhoor and fajar and you’ll be fine, trust us


·         Make a diet plan

Eat less but more in Suhur

People tend to eat parathas and dense, oily loaves of bread in suhur thinking this might make them last for the whole day. This is absolutely wrong. This is not only bad for your cholesterol level in your body but also for your mental health. The oilier things you’ll eat, the more you’ll end up gaining fat and forming lipids around your body.

Try eating some home-made curry in lar ge amount whereas carbohydrates with it aka roti/ chapati should be eaten minimum . You can eat as much salan/ curry you want considering it is made of protein and veggies.

Don’t sleep afterward.

If you think you can sleep after suhoor and fajar and you’ll be fine, trust us when we tell you this only builds up more fat in your body since no expenditure of energy will be done.


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